Turn the knob to 11

Wednesday, January 14

Economic up-turn

Finally a call. 3 1/2 years ago I stopped working in laboratories and began an 5 year Inside Wireman Apprenticeship with IBEW Local 159. Unfortunately, as I'm sure everyone is aware, the construction business has slowed considerably. When the project I was working on finished in mid-September I was laid-off. So I've occupied my time doing remodeling in my own house.

This morning I got a call from the Apprenticeship Office for a short-call staring on Monday. There's also the possibility of a job in Kenosha, though that's roughly a 90 minute drive away. Do I have friends in that area so I might be able to sleep on a couch?

So YIPPIE! No more living on an unemployment check!


monogodo said...

Yay! I was wondering when you were going to start working again.

Mountaingoat said...

If you don't mind teenager playing World Tour all night.