Turn the knob to 11

Sunday, August 29

busy, busy, busy

Work is going well. Being a journeyman is more a mental stress than I thought since I've been entrusted with a brand new apprentice. The break in the weather has taken internal power plant temps from the 100's down into the high 80's. It's like being in an Easy Bake Oven.

Since the 2nd I've done two races with mixed results and feelings. I drove up to Marquette for the Ore to Shore Hard Rock. 48 miles of da UP's best ATV and logging trails with perhaps 2 miles of actual single track. The hills were respected and in the end my undoing. I finished in 3:37 which was 37 minutes off my target time of 3 hours. I think I could easily be at 3 hours, I just need to get my back in shape... and if I could drop down to around 170 by next year that should help as well. I had a good time at the event and seeing the MKE crew was fun as usual. I'll have to check the rules, Since I finished behind Co0o0p I'm his bitch. I'm not sure of the period of time I will serve as his bitch, since Mr Hofmann will be sharing the duties.

Leaving Brian & Gina's End of Season Ride

There was perhaps 150 riders?

The week after O2S saw me attempting to recover. The legs were trashed more than I initially thought. By Sunday's WORS in Suamico I thought I was fit. I felt better at the start of the event and was doing a fair job of keeping Russell's Bad ol' Self in sight. In a section of single track the rider ahead yielded to let me pass and my front tire caught a stump. The result was a classic endo and the complete removal of the tire from the bead of the rim. Stans was everywhere. I tried a CO2 in an attempt to remount it but it was hopeless. Mr Bob Callaway, in typical Single Speed fashion, stopped his race and gave me a tube. I owe that man a couple of beers and a tube. I fixed the flat and was rolling again in the tail end of the Sport wave. I backed off and resigned myself to having a 3 lap training ride. A 17 year old and I rode for a while and he asked if I wanted around. I recalled how well my previous attempt went so I declined. A few corners later his front end washed out in the sand and since I was on his rear wheel I had no where to go but into him and over the bars again. No harm came to either of us so we remounted and I finished the lap. Vicki Pink had PBR hand-ups when I came through so I stopped and had one. I decided I'd had enough riding for the day so I savored the PBR.
Brian, Libby, Betsy & Amy were good company.

The faster riders parked at the 1st of 3 bar stops

Friday night I did a quick 100k after work. The RAF was strafing the Middleton Aerodrome.

1 comment:

sugs said...

BITCH...oh wait I'm Coops bitch too! Well, I'm on good company and he still is a young pup compared to us!