Turn the knob to 11

Monday, April 12

Shake down

What you see here is a 1989 Serotta Davis Phinney. Some say it could be the fastest bike on the planet. I'm inclined to call it the fastest bike in the garage. I haven't had it as long as I've had the Vitus, but it has seen more miles and races than all the bikes in the garage. I transformed it this winter. I now has a Time threadless fork, various Bontrager bits and newer Campy Ergo. I wanted to ride it more and I was getting weary of down tube friction shifters. After the H8ter I took the wheels off the Axis and mounted 25c tires.Man, are my arms white. The Trek clock snaps easily from bike to bike, which is a feature I like. No data feedback on the ride yesterday, just time to roll around town and see what comes loose or needs a tweak. I'm glad I did too. The front deraileur needed trimming since dropping the chain isn't desired. I really like the balance of the fastest bike in the garage. It rolls to a stop at lights and track stands easily. No brakes needed, just keep a bit of power on a pedal and rock gently back and forth. I was briefly embarrassed in front of the Crystal Corner. Once the light changed I got on it and went nowhere. The stock quick releases are aluminum which don't bite into the chromed horizontal dropouts worth a damn... which results in slipping with too much torque.

It works.


Matthias said...

Hey Tim, you ol' neighbour hear. What do you think about this frame? Seems like a good price etc.


Tim said...

If it matters, it isn't single speed or fixie compatible without an ENO hub

Matthias said...

Seems that Sheldon Brown has a few suggestions on conversion tips.

Matthias said...

what about this one: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320517564970&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_736wt_948

Matthias said...

This one is in love's park Il!
