Turn the knob to 11

Wednesday, February 18


There could have been any number of ways to spend my birthday today. I could've slept late, but I did that yesterday. I could still go out and get hammered-drunk, but at 44 those days are in the past. So what did I do? I did some woodworking. I'm making a hickory bookshelf for the spare bedroom. I played 9 holes of golf on the Wii and was 2 under par. But what I really wanted to do was go ride my bike.

So I did.
Both poles are representing now, but the ostriches won't look.
The road to Sno-where.
What the bottom of my stem sees.
Meanwhile, while on patrol in the North Atlantic....
It was just like a ride through the sunflower fields of France.
After 3 hours the Seven transformed. I now had at least 15# of ice in the form of bladed spokes, bladed fork, a fairing for he rear wheel and I'd misplaced 17 gears,
The cables wanted to move. But until the glacier around them thaws they're trapped. Ever see a mosquito trapped in amber? The smaller chainring is doing its impression. 
I really should see a doctor about this.
While I'd like to say something clever like "some people are smart enough to ride indoors on a trainer while watching Robbie Ventura race the 30+ Crit at Downers Grove," I can't. Nothing beats riding outside.

So what else will I be doing on my birthday? Eating home made pecan pie while watching the last two days of the Tour de California.


T mon T said...

i will wager that ice actually IMPROVED the braking of those delta's. :)

The Shed Master said...

HAPPY BIRFDAY you bastard!

Nothing can actually harm the braking performance of delta's 'cause when ain't got nothin'...

Matthias said...

It's your birthday today? Crazy - it's Tracie's too. We just returned from Cafe Continental with full tummies.

Well, Happy Birthday!