Turn the knob to 11

Wednesday, January 21

Refund? Refund!?

I'm nearing the last of the bathroom items. The doors were ordered back in October, but when they arrived the hinges were on the wrong sides. They fixed them and were able to deliver them this morning. 4 hours later I had them installed. So now I'm taking the lead on Ronsta by doing the Tung Oil finishing of the doors and the rest of the trim tomorrow. Well, one coat anyway.

In between doors I had a cup of yogurt and watched the last 45 minutes of "Breaking Away." Its been years since I last saw it, and it's still a great movie.

Dave's Dad: God-damned see-thru coffee!
Dave's Mom: He was very sickly until he started riding around on that bicycle.
Dave's Dad: Yeah... well... now his body's fine, but his mind is gone.

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