v. owned, own·ing, owns
v. tr.
To have or possess as property: owns a chain of restaurants.
To have control over: For a time, enemy planes owned the skies.
To admit as being in accordance with fact, truth, or a claim; acknowledge.
Last weekend I was caught up in the trip, racing and time away from work so I forgot to post what I saw at the Red Robin in Janesville the previous weekend. It was 7pm and we were away from home so we opted to dine out. Once seated I looked at "all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks" being served by the hostess with 37 pieces of flair. Above us was a rather large piece of "goofy shit."

Yeah I know, a slice of apple pie and a Chevy would really make the moment complete. But if you look closely you can plainly see every one of the 260 balls have been painstakingly oriented so that a word printed on the ball can be seen.

Call it irony or a subliminal message but I think it's pretty clear what the meaning is. We, that is the collective US of A, are China's bitch and I don't mean during the upcoming Olympics. To fund our way of life and attempts to bring "democracy" to others we've had to mortgage our country to pay the bill. I offer no facts in evidence other than the first few pages of whatever daily paper you care to read.
We need to make some changes, unfortunately Bill did his 8 years so we'll be stuck with Obama... I hope.
And now for something completely different.
Last weekend was the FireCracker Race in Eau Claire. Fun was had by most if not all and here's the images I took to prove it...
Is this Urban Sprawl?

They have bikes at KMart. Single Speeds can be had but no 29ers.

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