Turn the knob to 11

Friday, July 11


Normally I avoid any political commentary at this URL but with the world being in it's present state I can't resist.

v. owned, own·ing, owns

v. tr.
To have or possess as property: owns a chain of restaurants.
To have control over: For a time, enemy planes owned the skies.
To admit as being in accordance with fact, truth, or a claim; acknowledge.

Last weekend I was caught up in the trip, racing and time away from work so I forgot to post what I saw at the Red Robin in Janesville the previous weekend. It was 7pm and we were away from home so we opted to dine out. Once seated I looked at "all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks" being served by the hostess with 37 pieces of flair. Above us was a rather large piece of "goofy shit."

Yeah I know, a slice of apple pie and a Chevy would really make the moment complete. But if you look closely you can plainly see every one of the 260 balls have been painstakingly oriented so that a word printed on the ball can be seen.

Call it irony or a subliminal message but I think it's pretty clear what the meaning is. We, that is the collective US of A, are China's bitch and I don't mean during the upcoming Olympics. To fund our way of life and attempts to bring "democracy" to others we've had to mortgage our country to pay the bill. I offer no facts in evidence other than the first few pages of whatever daily paper you care to read.

We need to make some changes, unfortunately Bill did his 8 years so we'll be stuck with Obama... I hope.

And now for something completely different.

Last weekend was the FireCracker Race in Eau Claire. Fun was had by most if not all and here's the images I took to prove it...

Is this Urban Sprawl?
Bubba, Megatron, Cupcake in his BKB and Rob show up before sunset. Note the shadows...
The animal pens made great bike racks.
When we went into town we took the Grocery Getter. Bubba sized.
I let Sephie drive.
There's no incentive to pass this guy unless you forgot your piggy bank.

They have bikes at KMart. Single Speeds can be had but no 29ers.
Sunday morning "patio space."
Megs had to sit on the "time out bench." Is that her dad's scowl?
Dan's mind was elsewhere before the race.
"treat each other 'kind'" Dan's in there somewhere.
Dan taking the inside line.
Sport Singlespeed wave. 
Brian on his Rig before the seat came off the rails. He moved too fast for Karen.
Brian bringing up the rear on the rollercoaster.
The other day I was in traffic and I saw this guy. He's sporting some kind of image but it's totally lost on me 'cuz he's on an old Trek Y-22. Someone give him a fixie quick.
As long as we're on the subject of goofy bikes, here's a bike I took to LA and back in 1995. I got to ride it a couple of times on the trip but it had to be clean when I got it to Anaheim for the trade show. Back then it was very cutting edge. It rides very well. It is on display at Cronometro currently.

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