Turn the knob to 11

Wednesday, January 30

"pull pin and throw"

Ever read the instructions on how to throw a hand grenade? Let's face it, they had to keep it simple. Bottom line it's a lot like throwing a snowball at the enemy. You throw and then duck otherwise you'll get pelted too. 

Monday I opened the grenade container. I registered online for my USA Cycling license. So there I am sitting there in the coffee shop transferring money from my checking account... and actually buying the grenade. Then I pulled the pin when I clicked for the funds transfer.

Today I looked at my USAC account and saw this...

Look closely...

I think I just threw the pin instead of the grenade.


The Shed Master said...


Best start training.

Kerry said...

At least your going to get to blow up over and over and over again.

Rick said...

Are you delusional?