Turn the knob to 11

Thursday, August 30


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Never judge a book by its cover. Beauty is skin deep. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. No, that's not relevant. Today was an interesting day on a few levels. There was carry-over from yesterday's email by Rick Walls. He's got the series covered with his most recent win so he's up-grading to Comp SS for the last three races of the series. by carry over I mean reflection on my season. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty happy with my season. I was able to win a race and place pretty well so far and with 3 races left I'm still having fun. I was hoping I'd look a little different while all this happened. I'd made mention of weighing in at roughly 200# the other day. Today a guy at work was trying to squeeze by the ladder I was on so I said "go ahead and push me off." The guy he was with then said "You're pretty big and he's not that strong." so I asked "are you calling me fat?" and he says "yes." I should have fallen on him.

So I blow it off and work the rest of the day and everything goes well. Then I check the images taken at the last race and I see the ones above. It almost looks as though I'm working with Jesse, Marko and Matter, almost. Once upon a time, once upon a time. Maybe someday...

I fully expected to be nearing 175# on the scales after last season's 185#. I also expected to be a little stronger. I need to re-evaluate a few things after the season. Diet and training are the two big things to deal with. Duh, and soon.

So no new toys, except for some new brakes by the start of next season.

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